The B2B Marketing & Sales Podcast

Content Marketing - Public Speaking & Direct Mail

Dave Loomis & Steve Miller Episode 62

Welcome to the latest episode of the B2B Marketing and Sales Podcast! Today, our awesome co-hosts Dave Loomis and Steve Miller are once again chatting about the power of content marketing. They're spilling the beans on their own experiences with public speaking and direct mail as awesome non-digital B2B tools, and how they've used them to boost their clients marketing game.

But here's the thing: content marketing isn't a quick fix. It takes strategy and patience to get it right. Dave and Steve are all about keeping it real, too. They stress the importance of being transparent and authentic in your marketing efforts.

So, if you're keen to learn more about content marketing and how to reach your target market, this podcast is a must-listen. Plus, the hosts want to hear from you! Got any ideas or questions about other content marketing tools? Hit them up and they'll be happy to chat.

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Get Steve's bestselling book: Uncopyable: How to Create an Unfair Advantage Over Your Competition

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62 - Content Part 2

Anncr: For great ideas and practical tools you can start using tomorrow to grow your business and separate you from the competition you've come to the right place. If you are into B2B marketing and sales, then welcome to the one and only B2B marketing and sales podcast with over 60 and counting total years in the trenches of businesses.

Small and large, they have a plethora of knowledge and experience that generate you more leads capture more clients, ring up more sales. Doggonit, just make you more money. How about that? Always thought-provoking. Get dubiously entertaining. Please welcome to their respective microphones across three time zones, your co ringmasters, the Dave Loomis. And not the rockstar, Steve Miller. 

Steve: Hey everybody. You know what? The reason why I'm starting this differently right now because I'm looking at my buddy and Mr. David Mayo Loomis and I'm looking at him on video, right? And he looks like he's just, he's got some kind of glow to him.

What's going on with you? Is there, you got 

Dave: The heavens are just looking down on me, man and shining upon me. 

Steve: A Hollywood spotlight has just blasted through your window and hit you in the face. Just in time. There's a chorus. 

Dave: The choir is singing. Also, there's a 

Steve: heavenly choir, from Daisy, what's her name and the, 

Dave: Anyway, Daisy Jones 

Steve: and the sixth Daisy Jones.

And the sixth As, and as you all know that are listening to this, watching this right now, you know the welcome to the B2B Marketing and Sales podcast. Oh, is that what we're doing here? How about that? How about that? That I'm able to just drop back and be so calm and solid about that. Wow. My name is not David Mayo Loomis.

Oh, okay. Who is the intrepid author of the incredible book Marketing is Everything We Do. And you know what? I have actually referred to that book multiple times in the last week with people. So thank you, man. If I'm not selling thousands of books for you, I don't know what's going on.

Dave: I don't know what's going on then. Yeah. 

Steve: My name is Steve Miller. Okay. 

Dave: It's nice to meet you, Steve. 

Steve: That's enough. Nice to meet you too, Mr. Mayo Loomis. And we've and today our last conversation, we talked, we started talking about, And this is so funny cuz we've been doing this for over a year.

We, we have something like 57, 58 episodes, in the can. Yep. And I was looking back at all our episodes a couple of weeks ago and I said to Mr. Loomis, I said, do you realize we have never talked about content marketing? 

Dave: Now I still can't, I still can't believe it Now. We have last week.

Steve: Yeah, we did last week, but it, we started last week. Are you kidding me? This is like one of the most important, right? Tools that b2b we could 

Dave: probably do, we could 

Steve: probably do 10 episodes on content. Good thing. Good thing we're not expecting people to pay us for these episodes because it sure is for us to, for us to wait a year to share with you about content marketing, cuz All right, so in the last episode, if you haven't listened to it, you need to go back to that because we talk about, we give some really good advice in there.

About content marketing, why it's important, how you can use content marketing. But then we also decided that what we would do is we would wait and do at least one follow up episode, probably gonna be more where we're gonna talk about specific content marketing tools that you can use and how you can use them.

And, to, gun it, grow your business. That's the promise we make in that, in our intro. 

Dave: Yeah. And we're probably going to air on the side of counterintuitive for anybody that's waiting to hear about. Direct about email or blog posts. You might have to wait a couple episodes because, but social media.

Social media, because everybody, or social media, every, everybody and their brother is gonna talk about that. And if you're listening, you probably know quite a bit about that part of it too. But we're gonna talk about some things that maybe are a little bit different. 

Steve: Yeah. One of the things that we need to stress to people, restress every time.

It was something that was a big point that we made in our last episode, was that every, you know what, every marketing tool works for somebody. Okay? We wanna make sure that you understand this that don't just think about marketing from a digital perspective. Think about it from a holistic perspective.

The objective is to efficiently and effectively reach your moose, your target market. That's what's the important thing. And depending upon what they are looking for, how they're looking for things, what the easiest ways to reach them, the smartest ways to reach them, the most credible ways to reach them.

That's what you have to pay attention to. That's what you have to look for. And yeah. And so I think that, think Davis exactly right. When he says it and we're gonna start off with two basic, non-intuitive tools. Yeah. Let's start with you. Okay. All right, Mr. Loomis, so what is the tool? What is the tool that you would like to talk about?

That I'm, that helped build 

Dave: my business. I'm gonna talk about one that's been around for, helped. Helped 

Steve: that helped my business from the ground up. 

Dave: Long, long time. That's right. It would be hard to, the 

Steve: tool you're talking about built 

Dave: my business. It would be very hard to try to pinpoint when in the history of humankind this content marketing tool became a thing.

And the reason it would be hard to pinpoint that is because I'm gonna be talking about a human being speaking verbally to another human be being, or a group of human beings. 

Steve: You mean a, you mean sales like one to one. I'm no, I'm just gonna say no, you're not, that's not what you're talking about.

No, I'm talking 

Dave: about, let's just call it a speaking engagement. Let's just call it that. Let's put that as a title. I have a chapter in the book that you mentioned about Stone Age Marketing, which was like two groups of people that, lived in the mountains and in the river, and they didn't know about each other and they.

They got together, they discovered each other and one of 'em made, really good tools made of wood cuz there was wood where they were, and one of 'em made really good tools outta rock or whatever. Or they made clay, pots outta clay or something, it would be if one of if at the fire ring, that, that night if somebody got up and said, Hey, you know what?

I want to tell you a little bit more about the the pot making, the the clay that we use and the pots that we make and why, and the history of it, with our group. We think you all might be very interested in that, and they proceed for, 15 minutes, 20 minutes, half an hour, however long, and they talk about that subject and everybody's nodding their heads and maybe they get a chance to ask questions and they learn about it, and then they go away and they go back to their mountain and they're like, geez, that was really interesting.

Yeah. We can't do that. And you know what? We need to make some more tools that we can trade with them so that we can get some more of their, pottery. Because we could really use that. So that was content marketing? That was content marketing. It really was. Yes. And, I remember when the term content marketing came out. Yeah. And I remember I was working at a communications company at the time. There was a transition going on in the whole content marketing institute and there was content marketing world. That's color is orange, by the way. Yes, it is.

Yeah. And I went to that. A couple times and I heard these amazing speakers and there were like, I always referred to like lists of, content marketing, what is content marketing, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And then I saw like public speaking in person on that list and I'm like, what?

That's not content, mark. Come on. And then the more I thought about it and the more I talked to people about it, the more I've totally come around to realizing that. Not only is that content marketing it's, it is, it's is, it's about as old a technique as it comes and in many cases, as an effective technique 

Steve: as it comes.

Yeah. I would say the con that that speaking in public and that's the phrase we'll use speaking in public because whether you're paid for it or you're not paid for it, sure. That doesn't matter is unimportant. It's not important. Speaking in public, I would say is tied at the number one position of content marketing tools.

The be because, let's think about this. What is the, why do we use content marketing? What is the purp? What is the reason that we use content marketing? We talked about it a lot in the last episode but it's simply because what we're trying to do is we're trying to get our moose.

To listen to us in some form. They're trying, we're trying to get 'em to listen to us and think I'd like I, I'd like, I like what that person is saying. I might wanna work with them. 

Dave: E, exactly. So I'll, I'll just give you a real world example. Sure. And this, actually, this is a great example because it also It also underscores how important it is to be patient about getting results.

People we're gonna say, oh, go do this speaking engagement so your moose can hear you. And then if you don't get like five, sales right out of it the very first day, then you're like, oh, this doesn't work. But be patient. So anyway, I got invited by through some networking and some other things to give a speech at like kind of an innovation group that, that this was like five years ago.

And I did it on voice of customer techniques and some other things that I was doing. And I actually had some interactive activities with the group as well. And Afterwards. A couple things happened. One person one I made a friend for life who is my personal coach who heard me, she followed me into the parking lot and stalked me and said I've we've gotta get together.

And, that was amazing. But five years later. A huge company, a huge multi-billion dollar company. Somebody was in that audience and remembered, oh, that Dave Loomis said the Edge. He he gave that talk about voice of customer, let's call him. And they called me up and I'm gonna be working with them.

So it, it's just, it's part education, it's part peaking people's interest. But it has everything to do with the moose. And is your moose there? And also is your yeah, yeah. And what's your moose wanna hear and that sort of thing. Don't just randomly go to speaking engagements.

That's not what we're saying. We actually recommend that you be incredibly focused. And very nichey. It doesn't matter if it's very specific, if your specific people are there. Go for it, right? Absolutely. Absolutely. I think that's content marketing and you can support it by w with all sorts of other content marketing approaches and marketing approaches.

Before the fact and after the fact. If you can get a list of the attendees beforehand, you can send them some information or send them something you can contact, get their contact information after. You can stay in touch with them. All sorts of things. But it's the fulcrum, it's the, 

Steve: Yeah. Let's, yeah. I can point at one speech. One speech I gave at the American Society of Association Executives, and it was not even a keynote speech, it was a breakout, and I think there were maybe a hundred people in the room. Okay. I can point to that speech. And for 20 years after that speech, Kay and I, we would get a client.

And we would say that client came from that speech. They weren't all necessarily in that room, I af after that speech. I'm gonna tell you, I made over 10 million because of that speech. I will tell you for fantastic a fact. I can tell you for a fact, I made over 10 million because of that speech, because in that room, My moose.

Were in that room. Now let's start with the beginning here. Is it, when you, if you wanna use speaking as a way to generate business, number one is you need to find out where do your moose hang out. And if as from a physical perspective, whether it's or, and nowadays online. Okay. But like in my case, the what I figured out.

Was okay. I wanted to sell, I wa at that time I was selling marketing services, right? Marketing consulting. That's what I was selling. I wasn't selling speeches, right? I was selling marketing, consulting. Yep. So I asked myself, okay, who are my moose? And we'll talk and primarily in the B2B marketing world, right?

That's who our, that's who are Moar, right? So we say, okay, I want to sell to corporations in the B2B marketing world. What conv, what conferences do they attend? Exactly. What trade shows do they go to that have educational components? Yep. Yep. And I found, and I re, I, I found, I realized that trade associations would have conferences.

They would have trade shows where my mo, my moose would attend. Perfect. So my ultimate moose. So now the trade associations became actually my most important moose because I started to contact them and say, do you have conferences? Do you have trade shows with educational thing? And I would say, do you hire speakers?

And and I would go, Speak at that at their trade show or at that conference. With the idea being that I'm gonna go in there and you don't give a speech to sell, you give a speech to inform 

Dave: Absolutely. That's such an important point, such an important point. Because we all know some people who.

Think or try or say that they're giving a speech not to sell. But it's so obvious that, if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail, you know who these people are, and it's just a sales pitch. And it doesn't it, it leaves you, with a badge. It's an infomercial in your mouth.

Honestly. It really does. It's an infomercial. 

Steve: Yeah. You don't want that. So I would go, and I'm talking 30 years ago, okay. And it's just as applicable today that or 37 years ago is when I started doing this. And I would go and I would give them my best stuff. I would give them my best.

I would say, okay, here's what you want to do. And right. And these people would walk out going, that was awesome, man. He gave me great information. 

Dave: That's what you all need to do. What are you an expert in and what information that's valuable to the, to your moose. Can you just give away?

Just they're still gonna need you. Don't worry about that. They're gonna need you. Yeah. 

Steve: Here's, yeah, here's here. This is one of the, I'm gonna say this is one of the deepest secrets and I'll, I'm, I'll bet Dave. He actually, he just did agree with me. The number one thing you do is give your best information away.

I agree with you. 

Dave: All right. Give it away. Yeah. I hate to, as much as it pains me to always 

Steve: agree with you. Yeah. It used to pain me until I gave that one speech. 

Dave: Yeah, exactly. 

Steve: And then and and it was like the floodgates opened, but I immediately booked like a couple of clients out of that meetings.

That's fantastic. Okay. And then some others came along, and then those clients got me other clients, and those clients got me other clients. 

Dave: What is your example of content marketing? 

Steve: Oh, okay. So are we done with that one? Alright. Yeah. Alright, so speaking let's make sure you understand speaking is awesome.

Now I'm gonna say something to you. All right. Now what we've given you is a pretty broad overview of that, all right? If you want more information about how do you speaking. Reach out to us, both of us, either one of us, one or the other. Okay. If you like the guy, if you're watching us on the video right now, I know you're gonna pick Dave because he's got the God light shining on him right now.

No. No. And so I'm not wearing orange shirt. If you're listening, trust me. Trust me, you're gonna, you're probably gonna want call, call Dave anyway. Yeah, but please reach out. Now I am going to talk about another uncommon. Marketing tool is the B2B companies. Let me tell you. If you

don't have an epiphany in the next three minutes, then you're just not listening. Okay. What was that?

That's what I used to do to my audiences all the time. Say something like what'd you say? I can't help it. Okay. I can't hear you. No, that's I can't either. Okay. Mine is, guys, if you're in the B2B world, let's let's set a platform here. Okay. Most of, you're using digital marketing.

You're using digital marketing entirely and that includes primarily emails. Okay. That are not getting opened. We know that it's an exercise in activity not results. All right? And that you're defining results as being I was v i, oh, I sent out, a hundred thousand emails.

Or you're going on social media and you're posting crap that nobody cares about. All right. Now here's the number one thing that you need to do needing to recognize about digital, especially social media, is your number one objective is to get them off of a social media platform and into your own platform.

Number one. That's job number one. You if you are, if you're looking to build followers on LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok. Whatever. You don't own those followers. Okay. 

Dave: We're gonna have to have another conversation about 

Steve: this. But this is important because this is why I'm also gonna get to this the be because what I'm gonna say, and I will end this part quickly be because, alright, if, if Twitter changes their rules, oh my gosh, have they ever changed their rules?

Then you're done. Okay. You've lost all, you've lost all those people. But here's the point. You get them off of social media, you get 'em into a mailing list. Now the way you do that is using things like lead magnets. And you know what? That's the, that's another topic for us to 

Dave: talk about. So an email mailing list.

You wanna get '

Steve: em into an email? 

Dave: Is that your thing? Is that the thing you're gonna talk, the content marketing thing you're gonna talk about? No. 

Steve: Oh you're killing me now. All right. You're killing me. You're killing me. What was his name? Anyway? In the movie. So you wanna get him off of social media as quickly as possible.

You get him into your email list, and that's fine. Now, in your email list, you want to try to get their mailing address, all right. You wanna find out where they are. And and when you get their mailing address, now you start using direct mail to communicate with these people as one of your tools.

Direct mail Yes. Folks in the mailbox is what I'm talking about. Most people are right now going, oh, nobody, nobody uses direct mail anymore. Yeah. Do you check your e do you check your mailbox every day?

Dave: Yep. We still get things. 

Steve: We still get things. You check your mailbox every day? Absolutely. Absolutely. Is it, is there more or less mail in your mailbox now than when? Three years ago? I'd say there's more. Oh, really? Yeah. Oh, wow. That you are really getting targeted. I am. I definitely am. Here, here's the thing.

Most companies, most people say, Hey, nobody uses email, uses mail, 

Dave: email. I would still get a lot of catalogs and a lot of flyers and a lot. 

Steve: And there's a reason why. Yeah, because it's, it works still works. It works. Okay. Exactly. And here's the thing, folks.

I I'm, let me, I'm gonna go down a list of things I wrote down. When you send something in the mail, here are the things that happen in the mail. First of all, you are only, you are part of a s look. Even if you're in with a bunch of catalogs there, if you send something to 'em, you're not a catalog.

All right? You're something else. All right? Here are here. Number one, you don't have a lot of competition indirect mail. All right. You can target market, so like I say, your moose, if you are sending mail to your moose, you can at the very best, you can actually write a message that is directed to that specific person.

Or at the very least, you can write a message that is aimed to that moose. Okay. Definitely. Now they're going to, now here's the other thing I should back up is that people will open an envelope before they open an email. People will delete your email just by what you wrote in your subject line.

They will not even look at it. They will not even open it and look at it. But if you send them a message via direct mail in a letter, in an o, in a envelope, in a box, whatever you are, odds are they will open it. Gods are much higher than they will open it. Okay? Because? Because it's tangible.

They are used to opening mail. Our whole lives every day. One of the habits that we have is we go get the mail and we start opening it Now. Yes. We look at things and we go, oh, that's junk mail. Then don't look like junk mail. Just look like a letter. Just look like an envelope. You know that has information in it, 

Dave: right?

That probably came from the federal government. So put some, 

Steve: yeah, that's, I'm just, that's, I'm joking. There's lots of tricks. No, you're absolutely right. No, but there's lots of tricks to the trade. No. Be smart about it. Be smart about it. The point is that you're gonna get high, you get higher response rates from direct mail.

Yep. You can tar be very specific in target marketing, which is one of the keys to success gang. Yes. All right. Because I would rather mail a letter or an envelope to 200 people who gave me their mailing address, than go and hit an e push a send to 20,000 people with a gen, with some broad, broad message on email.


Dave: Yeah, a hundred percent. And now remember, go 

Steve: back. Remember the people in my audience, there were less than a hundred people in my audience when I was speaking. Okay? I don't need and in fact ultimately, I built an eight figure business out of a mailing list of under 200.

And we use primarily direct mail to do that. And so you got, you get. It increases their engagement when, if they open it up, that's engagement. You can test with people, you can do a, an AB test in direct market, and you know immediately what the results are, immediately.

It's easy to track and one thing that I think it also does is that it builds a lot. It can build trust because people trust what they see in the mail. They, oddly enough, they really do. I have a question. Yes, sir. So 

Dave: you know how we said that. When you're doing a speech, when you're speaking, doing pub, some kind of public speaking that you should seek to inform, not to sell.

Now, a lot of direct mail. I guess traditional directions would be that you really are trying to sell or get them to respond. That's what it is. Direct response. Yes. So there's two questions. One is is there a non-selling aspect to direct mail? And second of all, Is any kind of marketing technique, could you make the argument that any kind of marketing technique is content marketing?

Steve: Yes, you can or not can I think, but I think that the way you used it is really important. Now, I'm gonna, I'm gonna be very hon I'm gonna take the same approach in my direct mail that I'm gonna take in speaking. However, when I'm speaking to people, they, when I'm in front of an audience and I'm speaking, They can tell whether I'm sincere.

They can tell whether I'm authentic. They can tell whether I'm pitching them. 

Dave: Same thing with direct 

Steve: mail and with direct mail. What I ha all have always used and what I've told my clients to use is be transparent. So there is nothing wrong with saying to people in your messaging, look, yes, I wanna work with you.

I want you to hire me. Ultimately hire me. But you know what, there's no reason for you for me to think that you would ever hire me if you didn't trust me. So what I wanna do is I want to share information with you that I hope will be valuable, interesting, and useful, so that when you have that moment where you feel like you might need my type of service or my type of product, you will think 

Dave: of me. That's great advice. Here's some other question that maybe some people are thinking that you might have some ideas on. With so many people now working remotely, not at home or not in an office is it better to get their office address? Obviously they're gonna, if you get their address, they're gonna give you the address and you can't, choose.

But do you have a comment about that or in direct mail in your experience, are people now giving their home addresses for business? Here's correspondences on 

Steve: what's going on. Here's the trick. Here is the trick, and this is the, and I've also preached this for many years. It's actually pretty easy to get their business mailing address, yeah. People are not, it doesn't bother 'em too much. So you have to work so hard to build trust with these people that at some point you say to them, and I had a lot of my clients at the beginning of Covid, where, where we really pushed this. We said, look, you know what stuff's happening, and we don't all know where we're gonna be now.

I have tried, I'm trying to share information with you that I feel is useful. It's interesting, it's valuable and I hope. That you agree with me about this, and I also hope that you would agree that, you know what if you got moved to, if you got a different job, you would still want to hear from me. Yeah.

The only way we can do that is if you trust me with your home address, 

Dave: and then You've sent things to people's homes or your clients have 

Steve: Oh yeah. Oh yeah. You know what I mean? Cuz again you're being transparent. They know you're not trying to be their best friend.

They understand that, but now, there are some really slick things that you can do. To get people to give you their address. I'll give you one example Bec, and it falls into a, another type of content marketing called Shah. That that just absolutely is. Oh my gosh.

I wish I'd invented this. But like for example, during Covid, I had A handful of clients who said, okay, we wanna get people's home addresses. All right. How can we provide some kind of a shock and a hack or in our conversations, I would say, okay, how can we get their home addresses, but do it in a way where these people are so happy to give us their address?

We started asking ourselves, we start, we started brainstorming this, right? And we came up with two things that we thought, oh, you know what? Now this goes back to a different discussion that I will lay the groundwork on, and that is how much are you willing to spend to get a new customer?

That's where this goes. All right. If your new cu, if a new customer is worth a hundred bucks, you're not gonna spend very much. If a new customer is worth $50,000 or higher you might want to think about spending some money and most of my clients in the B2B industry, their new customers are worth six figures and higher.

So when Covid first got started, people were stuck at home. We would offer people, we would say, Hey, look, we want to, we're all in this together, ult again, ultimately, we would love for you to join, to be a part of our team, join us, hire us, and stuff like that. But you know what, in the meantime, we have to recognize we're all in this together.

And so I'm gonna a, I'm, I've got a big ask for you. And the big ask is I don't know. I don't know. Are you gonna have a different job in a few months? Are you gonna be moving somewhere else in a few months? Are what, what are you gonna go, go to work somewhere else in a few months? You asked people that, yes, we would just say, I need your home address in order to stay in contact with you.

So here's what I'm willing to do. To show you that I sincerely want to help you out. Now I really want this to be us helping each other, okay? You can choose between either getting a full house cleaning or a full landscaping. We will provide you with a housekeeper. We will provide you with a landscaper per 

Dave: one time.

Yeah. Uhhuh. One time did people take them up on it, your client? 

Steve: The response was off the charts. 

Dave: That's awesome. How much did it cost per either cleaning or landscaping? A couple hundred bucks. Couple hundred bucks per person and it was worth it. Did you have anybody that said they can't accept it cuz of 

Steve: conflict?

Not a single person working from home. 

Dave: That's great. Said that. 

Steve: Not a That's great single person. You've gotta be creative about that. That's clever. Yeah, certainly gift in the marketing world. You know I call that's a shock and awe. Yeah. 

Dave: And obviously like a fruit basket and things like that at Christmas.


Steve: stop at holiday time. No, you want to blow their minds. If you're looking for people who are gonna give, who are gonna give you a hundred thousand dollars, why wouldn't you spend 200 bucks? And I would spend five if you know what here's the question I've put to many people over the years.

And Mr. Loomis, here's my question to you. If you are going to make a hundred thousand dollars, all right? Off of somebody, if I send you a lead and I say, give me $5,000, or if I send you 10 leads and out of there, you're gonna get three people who give you a hundred thousand dollars, would you give me $5,000 for those leads in a second every day of the week?

Dave: Yeah. In a second. Now, of course, you don't know for sure about the, your example, the landscaping. I don't know if they calculated an roi if they cal calculated it through to new bus, new business. Certainly. It's a great retention thing too, because, B2B companies are buying over and over again, and you don't wanna lose those.

The cost of getting a new customer is obviously astronomical. The cost of keeping one. Yeah. 

Steve: See, you're actually, you. And good for you. Good for you. I expect that out of you. You figured that out. Thank you. Cause yes, of course we did offer that to every single customer. 

Dave: Of course, course, yeah.

That was the right thing to do. That was the right thing to do 

Steve: for sure. Yeah. And in fact some of the customers, they said, we'll give you both. Oh, that's 

Dave: great. I like it. 

Steve: Yeah. Yeah. So anyway, so that's, see and we're throwing, it's speaking it's direct mail.

It's Shah. It's all these things work together, doesn't 

Dave: they? Do They all work together? Don't just pick one, pick a bunch. Multi, there's all sorts of names. Multi-channel marketing oh gosh. Whatever you wanna call, stephen Dave Marketing.

Steve: How's that? I think we can come up with a better name than that, but I don't, that's so good. Okay. Stephen, Dave, Steven, Dave Marketing. See Damnit people. It really says what it is. We're marketers, not doctors. No. Anyway, 


Dave: Steve Miller, md. Yeah. Marketing doctor. 

Steve: And this is, see, both of these are examples or what we talk about today.

I'm gonna tell you my clients absolute, my clients are absolutely slaughtering it and they ha and through covid, none of that's, this isn't stuff we were doing during Covid. That's fun. And it was just, we were laughing all the way through this whole thing. 

Dave: That's great. Should we talk about other content marketing?

We will Techniques at the next, at our 

Steve: next, I think so. You know what, here's what I would suggest that we do. Let's just say that. Yeah. In the future we will talk about other 

Dave: some, sometime we will bring the, we will bring this back periodically to talk about all the different types. But at least we've covered it in two episodes.


Steve: Which we didn't well for now, last, no, I don't, episode of course. I wanna talk about other types too, but I just don't want to, I just don't wanna do it episode after episode. But here's what I would, here's what I'm, two things that I'm gonna say to our friend who's listening.

Number one is, if you are not Justin Fagan,

And you would like to come on and have a conversation with us. Tell us about what you're doing. You know what? You can teach us some ideas yourself. 


Dave: Yeah. We would love to, we'd love to have you on if you're a listener 

Steve: And or ask us questions and we will answer them for you. Yep. That type of stuff.

So if you are, like, if you are that, that kind of a person, you know what? Drop us a line and we will bring you on. We, here's the thing. We get emails every day. From promoters who are trying to tell us, trying to pitch us on people we should interview, okay? Every day on our podcast, every day.

And these promoters are paid to pitch their client. We have no interest in these people. We want people who are we? We wanna stay tight with you guys. And so that's what we're looking for, that, that's number one. Number two is what other content tools, what other tools that you are using or you're thinking about using would you like to get better at?

Yeah. And shoot us an email. Shoot us an email about that. Yeah, let us know. 

Dave: Holy crap. We don't have a listener hotline, 

Steve: do we? Yeah, we could. We could fix that. I don't even have hotline with you, 

Dave: yo. Come on. You text me every day 

Steve: about a thousand. Every day that I text you, I get a response. New phone. Who diss?

We're at. We're gone. We're 

Dave: outta here. Okay. I'm gonna take us out. L everybody. This has been just another wonderful time together listening to our friend Steve Miller and myself. About content marketing. 

Steve: Lewis? Yeah. Get his dang book. Do Guy Deep in Marketing is everything we do. 

Dave: It is it.

It really is. This has been the B2B. Marketing and sales podcast with you know who, and we will see you next time. We are out of here. 

Steve: Bye-bye. Thank you for listening to another episode of the One and only B2B marketing and sales podcast, the source for B2B marketing and sales insight. If you enjoyed the podcast, please be sure to subscribe and leave these old guys a five star rating check.

The show notes for any links and contact information, you can always contact us by going to B2B marketing sales Thank you and keep on marketing, keep on selling.