The B2B Marketing & Sales Podcast

The Hidden Joys of Writing and Publishing a Book

Dave Loomis & Steve Miller Episode 66

Mary Rose is the Founder of Star Maker Marketing (formerly Maguire Copywriting) and creator of the book-writing program, "BOOK It!" Star Maker Marketing offers business owners and thought leaders the opportunity to share their expertise with ghostwriting services, book writing coaching, and book promotion marketing strategies through multiple channels. Her specialty is helping financial advisors write and publish lead-generation books.
Show Notes

  • Introduction of guest Mary Rose McGuire
  • Discussion on personal branding and its importance in marketing
  • Mary Rose's expertise in helping financial advisors write and publish lead generation books
  • Credibility and impact of being a published author
  • Impact of technology on the publishing industry and the benefits of self-publishing
  • Using a book as a tool for establishing authority and generating leads
  • Sending personalized, signed copies of books as a marketing strategy
  • Importance of branding and brand archetypes in creating a memorable and recognizable brand

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Steve: Hey everybody, it's steve miller better known as kelly dad marketing gunslinger I already started recording and that's just the way it is. Okay, and mary rose Is here with me.

I will introduce her in just a second, but obviously this is the B2B marketing and sales podcast normally with me and my crazy compatriot, he's just a wild man, okay? David May Mayo Nays Loomis, David Mayo Loomis, okay? And I always love showing his book, okay? He never shows my book, okay? For those of you that are on watching on video, if you're listening, then...

Pay no attention to this, sorry. But on video, you can see I'm holding up his book, Marketing is Everything We Do. I love this book. If you don't have it, and you're in marketing you should get it, okay? Today! All right, why am I frozen? Am I frozen to you? 

Mary Rose: You do look frozen to me. 

Steve: Going on? What the heck is going on here?

Let me turn off the video. Because that's no good. Alright, so now I'm back. And like I said, I don't do editing, so this is where we are, guys. This is how far advanced I am in the technical world. But and I know there are some of you are saying you should have stayed frozen steve. So anyway, with that I want to introduce our guy david male lumas.

I don't know where he is. David if you can hear me call your mom and and I am here today with somebody i've actually Known for many years and there's a little bit of a story that i'm going to talk about here in just a second We'll see what she has. This is mary rose Maguire, but she goes by Mary Rose Wildfire Maguire.

Welcome, Mary Rose. 

Mary Rose: Thank you very much. I appreciate being here, Steve. 

Steve: Now, we don't normally have somebody who has such a frilly background as you do. Most of the people that come on here, they either got nothing... We have, we've had people come on and they just have pure white backgrounds.

Most have like their office or something like that. This is the first time we've had something that I would say is very then. And I actually think it's, I think it's nice. It's a nice contrast to the atmosphere that is normally. Taking place in these things. So can I, is there a reason why you picked that background?

Mary Rose: Yeah 1st, I really do anything, almost anything Japanese. I'm really big into cherry blossoms. I saw this actually on Amazon. The whole point of it was because I had. A very messy background and I thought I have to cover this up. And so I got a screen divider. 

Steve: That's what and you're and it's not a virtual thing.

No, it's not. I'm going to tell all of you out there. I hate those. Okay. There's a reason to use green screen and there's a reason, when you're doing this type of stuff, have a background. All right. And of course this has nothing to do with the topic that we're going to be talking about today, but Mary Rose, how many years ago would you say we first connected?

Oh my gosh. 

Mary Rose: Oh boy. Oh boy. I want to say it was maybe around 2017 or so. Oh, I 

Steve: thought it was longer than that. Or 

Mary Rose: maybe 2016. 

Steve: All right. Okay. Okay. I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna I'm gonna remind you of something. Okay, and it might actually spur a date in your mind. Okay I remember when you asked me what I thought of Wildfire.

Oh, okay. You were thinking about having some type of personal brand. Yes. And you asked my opinion. Do you remember how long ago that was? Oh, golly. When you first did that? 

Mary Rose: Yeah. It's been a while, right? Yeah, I think at this point now, I think it's more like around 2015. 

Steve: Yeah, at least I'm thinking it was 10 years ago but anyway so I always think it's fun when I even if I have just a little tiny bit of a old connection with people, that makes, it makes a big difference.

Okay, now let me introduce you to Mary, let me introduce you to wildfire welfare. All right. Okay. Wildfire is the founder of Star Maker Marketing which was formerly Meguiar Copywriting, and creator of the book writing program, Bookit. Star Maker Marketing offers business owners and thought leaders the opportunity to share their expertise with ghost writing services, book writing, coaching, and book promotion marketing strategies through multiple channels.

I'm old. So every time I hear the word channel, I just think of the channel on the tv But that's not what these are all about. Her specialty is helping financial advisors write and publish lead generation Books. So again, thank you very much for joining us today because we're going to talk about book publishing our listeners on the podcast and viewers that, that watch the videos are primarily B2B people marketers owners of small businesses in the B2B world.

And I have actually. I've actually said to many of these people, write a book. Okay. And so let's just start with that statement right there. You, cause you're nodding your head. Yes. 

Mary Rose: Yes, it is one of the most important marketing assets that anyone could have. There's lots of good marketing assets.

You've got blog posts, a website. There's even e books. But I talked with I'm in the midst of conversation with someone who we may work together. But he admitted he had written a book, but it was only an In digital form, so it was a PDF and then he actually self published a book and he said, people.

Liked what I did before with the pdf, but he said as soon as I had a printed book. I was treated differently It was a different response and I just came back from a wonderful marketing conference in cleveland dan kennedy's, world Oh you 

Steve: Oh his world. Was it a day? What did was it? No, it was not a dan kennedy event Okay, you just know he's you know, he's from lives.

Yeah and Right lives there. Yeah 

Mary Rose: this was This was a conference, that was organized by a guy named joe polizzi and joe polizzi Is the founder of content marketing institute he ended up it became so successful He sold it then acted like he was retired, but he's much too young to be retired.

So right now his focus is helping smaller businesses and entrepreneurs The creators and the name of the conference was creator economy Expo so the creator economy expo and in this conference and in his research He said like one of the top things that you can do is write a book as far as like your marketing efforts go so, writing a book is just it puts you on a completely different level And you're in a different you're no longer kind of playing second string.

You're out there in the field. You're the star . 

Steve: Because especially when you say, like you, you're talking about a real physical book now, right? Publishing a real physical book. So you 

Mary Rose: have, I have my copy here. Everybody of Steve's book, 

Steve: a copy book. Pull that up. Okay. We're both gonna, all right.

That's right. See, here we go. Here we go. All right. And unequivocally, I would agree with your statement, that that being a published author gives you a different level in people's minds. Yes. And what do you think that is? Why is that, that if, Somebody writes a book.

That happens. Why do you think that? I think it's 

Mary Rose: because we've been trained already to look at an author as an expert. And that training started when we were little kids, in school textbooks, textbooks had an author on it. And we knew that book, we're being taught something important that we needed to know, the teacher thought it was important enough, school thought it was important enough, to make this mandatory reading.

That training is already in there, that when you hold a book, and it is the physical act of holding a book. I know my husband's really into Kindle, and I like my Kindle books, but I still love my print books. When you hold that book, you realize. This is somebody who is knowledgeable about something.

This is someone who took the time to actually put that knowledge into book form that could help me. So I love learning. And so I'm all about books. But that I think is why it's, why it makes a difference is because people realize as soon as they see A name on a book, they realize you must have, the other thing is you must have had enough confidence in what it is you know in order to write that 

Steve: book.

Yeah, I'm sorry yeah, it's been embedded in us. Yes, to think this way and so now that has created a, and I can't think of which one it is, in heuristics, there are different types of bias. The people have and i don't think this is the confirmation bias but but it's some type of bias that has been embedded in us that yes if you have if you are an author you have there is a credibility to you right that is high.

It is hi now i'm just you know we're talking to be people and i can imagine somebody and i was on the phone this morning with the owner of a pretty good size btb company in pittsburgh and i have i keep telling him i said you know i really think you should write a book and he's what will free said first of all why should why would i write a book and i said well because.

If you have a book to hand out to people again, your credibility level goes up with them and and, and then he said what I, what would I write about and what would you say to him? All right, so he's, he's in he, his company builds work truck, utility trucks and fleets, for you see a plumber's truck guy driving down the road and it's, that's, it's that type of truck that you know or a u p s truck or something like that.

These are utility trucks and his company very successful. And they build these. Now he's the owner, been the owner for four. The company's been around for 41 years now. What would you say to him would be the reason why he should write this? 

Mary Rose: Okay. First, who does he sell his trucks to? Is it like larger corporations or individuals?

Steve: Corporations. Okay. 

Mary Rose: Corporations. Okay. I would say first off, my goodness, with all those years of experience, of course, he should write a book because he has seen so much. And what I would say to him is, okay, first. Take a piece of paper and just jot down some of the biggest challenges corporations have when it comes to buying a fleet of trucks.

What are the pain points? What is it that they struggle with? Now, then, what is it you do differently? How do you address those pain points? How do you come across as, hey, I'm the one for you because I'm not like the other guys? And I bet he could come up with all sorts of reasons why people, are challenged with this and whatever the friction is in the buying process servicing, all of that.

If he has any kind of guarantees or if, what about the after sale experience? What does he do different? Is he there? And. All you know, that's what I would say. I would say, write all these things down now. Boom. You've got chapters And it's it doesn't have to be complicated you know the book chapters, I mean you could have between five to ten chapters.

You could have a mini book You don't have to write. That's the other thing a lot of times people think oh gosh Writing a book. It's way overwhelming, they're thinking war and peace, like that You have to have this super thick book. I was like no You only have to have a few chapters.

I worked with one financial advisor for instance, and this was awesome This was his idea not mine He wanted to take his pdfs and convert them into books. And so what I did is I Edited the content. We refreshed the content. So everything was up to date and used up to date stats and examples and all of that, but his books, the shortest word count for the, for one was 6800 words.

Which is hardly anything, but we were able to put that into a five by eight format and you know expand the font size a little bit enlarge it a little so it was 14 point font We gave it a little bit more margin But it worked out well, and he's got like this physical little book that he can give to people So each one of his books and we did four of them by the way at the same time.

Each one of those books Tackled a different aspect of a person's personal 

Steve: finance. Yeah, it's interesting you say that because in many books 6800 words would be a chapter Yeah, exactly, but there's nothing wrong with it being a small book. We have a there's a K has a contact here in seattle an attorney really successful attorney who He has 40 books Wow, you know for all different possible he had I saw one recently that he was promoting that, it's for pedestrians who got hit as they were walking across the street, okay?

And it's a book just for that situation, right? And and this guy's really successful, and he just gives these books away. He doesn't sell them. He gives them away and he's been doing this for years and it's and growing his practice. Tremendously. And, that's also part of what we can get.

We can be talking about is, are these books that you're going to make money off of selling the books or what? And let's hold that conversation for a minute. But what else I also told this guy what you just talked about that's, that is a book that you talked about for my guy.

But what I also told him was that he had 40 years of knowledge and experience, and he could say, be something like what I've learned. In 40 years of, and he could talk about, when it first started or when he first started the company and what the hurdles and challenges that he went through and stuff like that, and then the changing times of to say okay, there was at some point where computers showed up, how did that, that, that affect everything? Then the internet showed up, and of course now AI. Is changing everything all over again. He's had all this experience and that could be something that could be put in, in, into a book form as well. Now what I'm hearing you essentially talk about is self publishing.


Mary Rose: I'm all for self publishing. I love self publishing. 

Steve: I'm working on my ninth book right now, and of the nine books five of them were self published. And the other four have been with a traditional publisher. And I have reasons for why I would use, I would pick one, either self publish or use, use a publisher.

But but I but we made more money off our self published books. Adjust the sales of the self published book then we did any of the other books in fact we probably like one of our self published books made us more money than the royalties we've paid off of the other four books because when you self publish.

You own it, you won't, you own it all, you own all the profit and everything, but if you go with a publisher traditionally you're going to get 10%, of the sales unless you're a really popular author or a really good negotiator. And, but you're still not going to move that needle very much.

Like I will say that my, my first book that I wrote, which was how to get the most out of trade shows, and it came out back in 1990 it went on to be the number one selling trade show book of all time. And it did really well, but my royalties. I've often said, yeah, I paid for a couple of vacations over the years, but, we treated it as a marketing tool.

And Kay and I've always had this attitude about all of our books, published or self published, is that I'm happy to I just give it away, just give it away. And I give them to everybody, I give them to people I've never met and that type of stuff. And. That book, I would say put without question, the results of that book was in, in, for us was seven figures.

Actually probably eight figures. Absolutely amazing. Absolutely amazing. Congratulations, 

Mary Rose: by the way, that's awesome. 

Steve: Thank you. I'm a good marketer. And cause like you say to people, you should publish. And then go out and get these in everybody's hands.

If you're, if self publishing is the way that you're going to go, you still have to ask yourself the question. Okay. Because I think too many people and I want to hear your thoughts on this. I think too many people when they think of Writing a book and even and self publishing they're thinking Okay, i'm gonna sell a lot of books and i'm gonna make money off of that.

What would you say to them? 

Mary Rose: I you know, I my focus is lead generation books. So I would say although yes, this is a noble goal to sell books and yes, you want to sell books The real reason you want to write the book is because it establishes you as an authority. That's the real reason. And that is going to open up doors for you.

Not only with prospects, but it's going to open up doors for you for speaking engagements. For interviews with the media, because all of them are looking for experts. When you have a book, it's almost, it's tough to get those opportunities for speaking at a conference that's going to put you in front of a room full of prospects, for instance.

If that trucking guy would, I'm sure they have some kind of industry conference, for these sort of things and if he had a book. All of a sudden the doors would open. It's oh my gosh, we got to get this guy He's got 40 years experience. He's an author and he's going to tell us what we need, you know Tell us what's going on and what it used to be and what's improved and what hasn't and what we need to look for And you 

Steve: see it's like that he would be in it He would be known as he would be what is known as an industry expert and and would have that very specific knowledge and experience behind him that is packaged in this credibility authority building thing called a book, right?

Okay. And yeah everything you just said 100 100 100 and from the for the people now how do you all right? Let's talk about lead generation. That's the term That's the phrase for what we're talking about here, right? Okay and How so somebody writes a book, all how do they use it for lead generation?

Mary Rose: The way 

Steve: that I do it beyond what you already said, right? But how do these people get that? I mean they have to get it in their hands, right? 

Mary Rose: There's well lead generation. Okay, the there's a couple ways to go at this Question one is to already have something set up inside your book that is going to be considered what is called a funnel So and you have one in your book and I have one in my book It's like for more information for more goodies for bonus material whatever Go here and then you go to a website and it will have an opt in form That's going to require a person to give you their name and contact information.

So it could be address, but it could be email address. Usually boom, you start to build your list, email email list. I'm sorry. So that's one way with the lead generation. The other. is when you have a book, you can use it in what you know and I know is a shock and awe box. It depends on, of course, what kind of profession that you're in, but if you have a real high value prospect that you're going after, you want to put together a really nice box that's almost like a gift box, has some, maybe some, yummies in there, a little candy or, coffee or whatever, And bookmarks and whatever kind of promotional, items you want to put in there and then you put your book And that is a great way to generate some leads because all of a sudden this person receives this wonderful box And then they see inside they're like, whoa their book.

They gave me a book By the way, another thing to remember is people very rarely throw away a book They'll throw away a business card like in a new york second, but they will not throw away a book They'll put that book on a shelf And you know what, they'll continue to, they'll catch their eye, depending on if you use a gray color like orange, and they'll think of you.

When they see that, oh yeah, that's Steve Miller, I need to contact him, set up a consultation. I'll tell 

Steve: you a story about that and plus 1 thing I'm going to remind is you say that they never throw away a book. I'm going to not necessarily agree with that 100%, but I can fix it.

Okay. Is that it's a signed book and it's 2 and on the inside, it says. Mary Rose, love what you do. You're amazing at what you do. And I would love for you to the, I hope you enjoy this gift of my book and then I sign it. That will never.

Be thrown away. That's a good very 

Mary Rose: good clarifier. Yes. 

Steve: In fact they will often just pull it off the shelf to show people. Yeah. Yeah. Now, here I'm going to plus that. And then I'll tell you my story real quick. I'm going to plus that when I do that. And the shock and awe package is I can't even tell you.

How much business my clients have gotten from doing really cool shock and awe packages. But when I send my book out to people, I send them the signed copy to them, that's personalized to them, and then I add two more copies that are just signed and I tell them, if you have a friend or somebody who you think might.

Enjoy this book here. You can give us to him as a gift from you. And that has made a huge difference to we sent. And what we often do is we send cold shock and Oz to people that we don't have contact with or anything like that. But we often do it just because we when we read about somebody who we think is really cool or somebody who's famous and they sound like somebody who might fit the story of a of being uncopyable which is you know our deal we just send books to people we just go god you know i read the story about you in this magazine it sounds so cool and it fits our uncopyable philosophy and everything i get that you know we're sending this to you as our gift.

And that's it. That's the entire message, right? And then we sent him that, that box, right? A couple years ago out of the blue, I get a call from a guy. And he says, my name is Jim McInvale.

I am known as Mattress Mac in Houston. And he said, you sent me your book a while back. He said, I read it, I loved it. He said, and I was thinking about contacting you, he said, but then I forgot about it. He said, last night I went to the opening game of the Houston Astros baseball season when they came running out onto the field in their bright orange uniforms.

I thought Steve Miller and he hired me on the spot. Oh my gosh. That is awesome. And I and I ended up consulting with him on his stuff. I had nothing to do with his million dollar bets, , but but we did some other stuff. He's a, pretty interesting guy. But anyway, but see, that's a perfect example, right?

You of the power of a book and also that itmi, and helps them to remember 

Mary Rose: you. And branding. Because you talk about that in your book. One of the things that I talk about is brand archetypes and I'm trying to push that idea out there, especially for those in the professional services world, because a lot of times when people think of brand, like you say they think of a logo or the colors and the colors are important for sure.

That does help you be memorable. But a brand archetype, there are like 12 of them, usually, around 12. There's some, there's some that I've seen that list more. But one of the more popular ones is the trusted advisor, otherwise known as the sage. When you use things like that, like colors and your own personality.

You know that becomes your brand, like I said, especially if you're in the professional services world That makes you memorable that guy. I thought that was the coolest thing that when that guy saw orange it triggered You it triggered steve miller. I need to contact steve miller, 

Steve: Yeah, and that's the purpose is that we teach in fact This is something that we teach in our you know about the branding doing branding is that we say that you make a promise All right, you make a promise and but you and you want to help them remember that promise.

Okay. And so you create anchors that become triggers if they ever see something like that again. And so like color is one of those, if you saw it, there are a lot of women on the planet that if you if they saw something pink, they would say. Mary Kay cosmetics, right?

Okay, because Mary Kay, that's their color and so 

Mary Rose: in the red hat society I don't know if you know about that, but when women because I'm 50 years old, I think, or more. They started wearing these red hats, and red and purple, and it was taken from some poem, but it's like, when you saw, at least for a lot of women, they knew of this group, when you saw a bunch of women walking around and they all had red hats, it was like, ah, the Red Hat Society, and you knew what they were about.

Steve: Yeah exactly right. These are the types of things that you can use a book to help you Establish credibility, help you establish authority. And and get them to remember you. Exactly. So that, I always say that, when the lightning bolt comes out of the sky and somebody who fits the profile, a prospect, somebody who fits the profile of your target market, if all of a sudden that lightning bolt strikes and they go, Oh, I need help with this.

Do they think of you first? Do they think of you second? Do they think of you at all? And the objective, our uncopyable mindset objective is by using stuff like this, and this is one of the most important parts. One of the most important parts of establishing your brand in people's minds is that you are the only one they think about.

Now, okay we can talk and talk and talk about this but we don't have that much time. Here's what I want to ask you. All right, you said there are 12 archetypes. And you mentioned the Sage how does somebody find out about the other 11? 

Mary Rose: You can just go online and just, do a Google search for brand archetypes.

You could do that. I, unfortunately I don't have a book. I didn't write a book about brand. Although I am in the midst of writing my second book and I'm co writing it with a client of mine who is a financial advisor. And he is I'm going to have to try to convince him about the inclusion, how important it is to include the brand archetypes.

But at any rate, you can just go online and there's lots of different articles that you could find. Or you can just contact me. I have a PDF that I usually will send to people. That... If they don't know anything about brand archetypes, I'll say here. Here you 

Steve: go. All right. So that okay. Yeah, let's because you said here you got a not because 1st of all, we're talking about book writing.

Yes, okay, so you have a resource for people on writing their book and and you gave me a link and it's bitly. Slash begin your book, but I'm going to put, I will have that on the screen for people so they, and it will, and for those that are listening to it on the podcast, it will be in the show notes where they can reach out to get that, that resource.

And then you've got another the book at home study program. 

Mary Rose: Yes, I just released that about a month and a half ago. And it took me a while to get it together because I had other project work I was working on, but what this is, it is a home study program. It is based on my 8 week training program that I've worked with other people on how to get started on writing the book.

And that is like determining what kind of a book you want to write. How to write the book chapters. I work with people on, helping them just basically craft that and giving them ideas on how to, come up with their ideas. And then we also talk about marketing. We talk about self publishing, so I don't write the book for them.

But what I do is I guide them on how to write that book. And so it's now an 8 session. Program called the Book at Home Study Program, and I have a $100 off coupon code that I created just for you and your listeners. And all you need to do is 

Steve: type in Steve. Oh, you created that for me. I thought that was just your standard coupon code for that you, that I, no, I created it just for you.

No, say, yeah. So I, so again it's bitly slash book kit or book it. Yeah. Okay. I T. But I will again, I will have it here. I will have it in the show notes and in the notes with the video as, as well so that you can contact her. I will also have wildfires linked in.

Yes. Link for you and her website, which is really hard to remember. Mary rose McGuire. com. You're very fortunate. You don't have the name Steve Miller because Steve Miller is I'm comp I'm competing with too many people with the musician and there are other authors named Steve Miller.

Anyway, but and, and of course we didn't even get into the how to write a book, how to get it, how to self publish it or anything like that, which you have information. Yes, I do. I and so I think anybody who's watching this or listening to this you really should think about.

The possibility of writing a book. Now, I wanna be honest, I wanna be honest about this. And let me ask you, here goes do you like writing a book? 

Mary Rose: For me I do love it because I'm a writer, but I know not everybody's a writer. 

Steve: I knew you were gonna say that because I was ready to, I was ready for my response.

You are a very sick person. . Ok. Most of us that write books, and I'm like, I say I'm working on my ninth. I'm an idiot. We are anybody who loves writing, is a sick person. But I knew that I knew Mary was going to say that. Yeah, she loves writing. And but, not for every, not for everyone, my standard joke about authors or, and people who think oh, someday I'm gonna write a book.

Everybody wants to have a book, right? Nobody wants to. Write a book. Exactly. Exactly. 

Mary Rose: Which is why I did what I did with Bookit. I wanted to make it as easy as possible, as clear as possible, and as painless as possible. Yeah. 

Steve: And I have friends, and I have friends, Diana Boor I, what does she have?

She has 4, 000 books. I don't know how many she has, but it's she, it's every week I, a new book comes out from Diana. There are people who do love to do this, but I would, I want everybody to listen to this that this is an amazing tool. Yes. This is an amazing tool.

And, and even when you self publish, I would be, even if you self publish a book like this, okay, now this is a hardback. It doesn't, now it's now out in paperback. And paperback, you can publish a paperback book for three bucks, three bucks a book. Yeah, 

Mary Rose: If I can just interject real quickly.

Absolutely. This is my book. It's called The Maverick Advisor. The new rules of marketing for financial advisors and consultants get great clients more respect in the fees you deserve now It's not super thick either. Okay, this is a 30 000 word book and it's in a seven by nine format printed format but the thing is that When I self published it and I did use amazon's kindle direct publishing These books published I pay basically the printing cost 2.

64. Yeah. 

Steve: Yeah. That's why I said three bucks a book, and depending upon quantity let, it can go under, but don't be stupid when you first publish a book, don't go printing 5, copies. Don't do that. But then it's cheap to just give them away. You just give them away.

I can tell you later on in other, other episodes here about how I made. Half a million dollars off our self published books. And but it's a different, it's a different approach and it's a different way of doing things. And but that does, that's not where we are here today.

Today, we're here to convince you, go get, be a writer, write a book. And to, for somebody who can help you Mary Rose Wildfire McGuire. Can do that and you should contact her to, to help you with that. So what's our finishing thought here, Mary Rose? 

Mary Rose: Oh, goodness.

Our finishing thought is the book that you write will change you probably more than it will change anyone else. That's the finishing thought, because once you write a book, you're going to walk with a little swagger, you're going to walk with your head up high into a room, the confidence level goes through the roof, so if you're confident now, just imagine that times ten.

Steve: Yeah, the first time somebody asks you to sign the book, you're just what?

And if you're like me, and most published authors,

You have special pens. 

Mary Rose: Oh my goodness. I love it. I 

Steve: love those. Now this is my, this is the flare one where I use to make big, bigger, but this. This is a Mont Blanc. Oh, this is very rare. 

Mary Rose: Very rare. Wow. I love fountain pens. And I do 

Steve: about that orange, orange Mont Blanc. Yeah, that's very rare.

So that's what we do as authors is then we carry those around and people go here and they start to hand you pick, you go, Nope, I got a pen right here. Oh, thank you. Thank you. Mary Rose for joining me today. You have been listening to the B2B Marketing and Sales Podcast with Steve Miller and not the visible or even hearable Dave Loomis.

Who knows where he is? He's out, I don't know, hanging out with his buddy Dermot Mulroney somewhere. I don't know. And and we'll see you again later. And I have to always, I have to finish the same way I always finish, just in Dave's words. Bye bye.