The B2B Marketing & Sales Podcast

Rocket Science, Barbie Parties, and Marketing Magic: Inside the Uncopyable Demand Blueprint

Dave Loomis & Steve Miller Episode 79

In this episode, Steve and the host discuss a new term, the "Distinctive Demand Blueprint," and discuss the importance of being distinctive in marketing. The conversation also touches on the use of AI in research and analysis, the concept of demand generation, and the importance of unique branding. Miller concludes by discussing the three pillars of his marketing approach: demand generation, response-driven marketing, and account-based marketing.

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Dave (00:00:00) - Should we start or have we started?

Steve (00:00:03) - I think we've probably already started. Okay, but but but we're going to act like we haven't. Okay, everybody. Steve Miller. We have not started yet. Okay. Hey, everybody, this is Steve Miller, better known as Kelly's dad and marketing gunslinger. Thank you for joining us once again on this amazing, amazing, the B2B marketing and sales podcast that continues the.

Dave (00:00:28) - Best B2B podcast there is.

Steve (00:00:32) - And it's in the top 10% of B2B. No, not B2B, it's in the top 10%.

Dave (00:00:38) - Podcast of all percent of.

Steve (00:00:40) - All podcasts.

Dave (00:00:41) - There's planet podcasts out there, folks.

Steve (00:00:44) - That's right, that's right. And with me today, as always, is a guy who really needs no introduction. But I'm going to like to.

Dave (00:00:54) - Give the introduction anyway.

Steve (00:00:56) - I'm going to give it to you anyway, because as you well know, I always I love this book. Marketing is everything we do. I love this book and I know he's working on another one.

Steve (00:01:05) - It's going to it's going to, you know, it's going to make everybody just throw this book away. It will eclipse.

Dave (00:01:10) - It, will clips it. It's actually a subset. It's a it's a you know, it's interesting. Yeah. You know those novel like I always feel like, um, like uh. You could. There's people that have have taken like literally one line out of, say, the Bible and made an entire incredible story out of it. Do you know what I mean?

Steve (00:01:35) - So it's like they're calling, I'm saying preachers.

Dave (00:01:39) - I mean, it's really interesting how you can, like, expand on a concept that's part of a bigger whole. So marketing is everything we do is about. It's about everything, you know, that I've learned in my career. But there's a part in there about voice of customer interviewing, and I deep dive on that in the in the new book. But that's not what this episode is all about.

Steve (00:02:03) - I'm very excited. I'm very excited, and I can't wait to do that and, and talk more about that.

Steve (00:02:09) - As you know, I love talking about we talk about voice customer last time. And so I'm very excited we did.

Dave (00:02:16) - And that's why this time that's why this time we have to talk about something that you're working on. Yeah.

Steve (00:02:20) - This was kind of kind of a happy accident. This is kind of a.

Dave (00:02:24) - Treat me oh my gosh. So first of all, if people are listening and they do not are they're not subscribers to Steve's email his his weekly email. It's called the uncapped mindset. You need to subscribe right now because this this is packed full of actionable information and insight that you will not get anywhere else, guaranteed. I mean, it's uncomfortable for a reason, but you want to be on Copyable too. As a listener. That's the whole point. Wow. And so this is really, really, really good stuff.

Steve (00:03:04) - Thank you. Thank you very much.

Dave (00:03:06) - Please, please subscribe.

Steve (00:03:09) - We'll make sure we put a link in the.

Dave (00:03:12) - Please, please, please do. But the reason why the reason that we have the topic that we have today is because I got Steve's email, the unpopular mindset today, I think, or yesterday.

Dave (00:03:29) - And it had an extremely interesting concept that I want to know more about. So why not use our time here to ask Steve? About his thinking.

Steve (00:03:44) - If we can't. If we can't. We can't do a little bit of shameless self-promotion, then what the hell are we doing here?

Dave (00:03:51) - Well, yeah, I mean, in a way it is self-promotion. But in another way it's like, well, this is our life's work. Like so, so, so.

Steve (00:03:59) - I think this is good stuff.

Dave (00:04:00) - I really like people that are a lot of people that are listening mean you have, you know, real jobs, quote unquote in B2B like like Steve and I have, you know, in the past. But now we're now we're deep thinkers. These are yeah.

Steve (00:04:16) - We're yeah, we're deep thinkers. That's what we are. Yeah, but.

Dave (00:04:19) - But but but this.

Steve (00:04:21) - We're thought leaders.

Dave (00:04:22) - This is actually beyond. Oh gosh. Don't don't start don't can't.

Steve (00:04:26) - Even say that with a straight face.

Dave (00:04:28) - Don't don't start.

Dave (00:04:29) - So here's, here's here's the thing. So I'm reading this this email and it's you know, it's a lot of the oh Peter Drucker incredible stuff that I just so relate to. Great stuff. And then I see this new term. And so Steve gets into the fact that there's a lot of things that are sort of copyable that he talks about. He, he, Steve talks about Copyable branding on Copyable innovation, which is his book Stealing Genius and Copyable experience, which is, you know, all these things. They need their own episode, you know, in and of themselves. But then. You know, it's like, if that's not enough and then.

Steve (00:05:17) - But wait, there's more.

Dave (00:05:19) - Exactly how much would you pay for this? Like this Ginsu knife. Now, that's a clever, clever. Don't answer because there's more. You'll get two. You also get. This new term called the Distinctive Demand Blueprint. Now, I want to say, in all fairness, it's.

Steve (00:05:41) - A working title.

Dave (00:05:42) - There's a there's a parent poetical phrase after that that says, by the way, this is a working title. I'm not sure I love it yet, and I'm wide open to suggestions from you, you, the readers, now you, the listeners, you know, hey, I'll put my own $0.02 in. Might as well do it now if it's on Copyable branding on Copyable innovation and Copyable experience. Yeah. Why is it not on Copyable Demand Blueprint after.

Steve (00:06:11) - After I pushed clicked send?

Dave (00:06:14) - Just a thought.

Steve (00:06:15) - You know on the on the newsletter. Right. I thought it immediately hit me. I thought what the hell am I doing?

Dave (00:06:23) - Not sure.

Steve (00:06:24) - Distinctive.

Dave (00:06:25) - Because here's.

Steve (00:06:25) - The thing. Word is on copyable.

Dave (00:06:27) - We want to be more than distinctive.

Steve (00:06:30) - That's right. We want to be done.

Dave (00:06:31) - Copyable yeah, so $0.02, but so can you.

Steve (00:06:35) - Can you say it again? But with the correct the proper word.

Dave (00:06:38) - Okay. Steve is going to tell us about the three pillars of the Copyable Demand Blueprint.

Steve (00:06:47) - Yes, sir.

Dave (00:06:48) - And first he's going to he's going to tell us where in the world did this come from. Why did you even think of this?

Steve (00:06:57) - You are going to love this.

Dave (00:07:00) - I know I.

Steve (00:07:01) - Am. You're going to love this. I know I am so as as as those of you that listen to us and watch us stuff now, you know, we we we are. We are very active AI players. Okay.

Dave (00:07:18) - In fact, we might not be real.

Steve (00:07:20) - We. You know, that's. This might be, um. Yeah. This might. That's actually another conversation, but it's. But, um, but but every day, David and I, we both use I. Pretty regularly every day. Yeah, for whatever one reason or another. Right. And, um. A couple of weeks ago, I had been. I was doing some research with AI and stuff and and analyzing. And one of the things I also enjoy going in and like I'll put in somebody like a book title and I'll say, can you go? And I'll say to AI, you know, I'll say, hey, go give me a synopsis of this book.

Steve (00:08:13) - Tell me what the top seven you know, tips are from the book and stuff like that. And I love getting that stuff. I love getting that stuff. And, and and then I thought, I know where.

Dave (00:08:25) - I think I know where this is going.

Steve (00:08:26) - I thought, I thought what I should ask this question about, about my book on Copyable do it.

Dave (00:08:33) - Yeah.

Steve (00:08:33) - So I go in, I went in and I asked the question, right. And it comes back. It comes back with this glowing, you know, report about my book and which was very exciting to read that this, this human thought, my book was awesome and, but. But. But they whoever, whoever this non-human is I. But the focus was on about how my book taught companies how to separate themselves from the competition. Right. And that was correct. The the genesis of the book. And and of course, the word copyable certainly leads you to go that direction. But I have always I've always going back to the Peter Drucker thing.

Steve (00:09:20) - Right. And what you were talking what what what you're referring to was that Peter Drucker, a hero of mine, said he said first, he said, was there the purpose of a business is to create a customer. Okay. We get that right. That makes sense. But then he said, and because the purpose of the of a business is to create a customer there, there are two and only two functions of a business function, number one being marketing function number two being innovation.

Dave (00:09:58) - And bingo for me because like marketing and innovation has been pretty much my whole career. So that's right. The jackpot.

Steve (00:10:04) - Yeah. That's right.

Dave (00:10:05) - Personally. So anybody.

Steve (00:10:07) - Listening? Go for it. Other functions. All the other functions in a business forget about are simply there to support those.

Dave (00:10:15) - Absolutely.

Steve (00:10:16) - Okay. So so and so I kind of continued this conversation and and just so you know, I oh you.

Dave (00:10:25) - Mean continued this conversation with the.

Steve (00:10:29) - Okay. You know, tell me more. Tell me more.

Steve (00:10:32) - What did it.

Dave (00:10:33) - End up telling you and then suggesting?

Steve (00:10:35) - And I also went in and I had the conversations with Bard. I mean, this was with ChatGPT multiple.

Dave (00:10:42) - Multiple.

Steve (00:10:43) - I talked to Bard. I talked to Bing. I, I talked to what is it, Claude? Oh, sure.

Dave (00:10:51) - Yep, yep.

Steve (00:10:52) - The other one that that other one. And, you know, and I was getting all this feedback about my book. And the and the giant focus on everything they kept coming back to me with was that the focus of my book was about the innovation side. Interesting, you know, marketing and innovation, even though I know if you go into my book and you go in there, you will find marketing tools that I talk about that you can use to separate yourself. Also, of course, of course, but but if but here is I telling me this was the focus. And I thought, okay. I thought, well, okay, maybe I'm kind of missing something, right? So I thought.

Dave (00:11:37) - From your own book.

Steve (00:11:38) - From my own book. And so I started asking myself the question. All right. Well, and I and I started continuing this conversation with, with the eyes and I, and I said, well, okay, so if we were to look at the books again and, and take this on Copyable philosophy. The incomparable mindset, but now start to emphasize or emphasize the marketing side. What would that look like? Right. And and then and in these conversations, you know, I like, like and the word demand generation or the phrase demand generation came up. And I was very intrigued by that because, you know, that's that's a it's sort of a term that's been around for a while, but you don't often hear it, you know, demand generation and and essentially what demand generation is, is that it's like this, um, approach to, to marketing that it's aimed to create like awareness of your product or your company, you know, or. What's that? Buzz? Yeah.

Steve (00:12:49) - Buzz and interest.

Dave (00:12:52) - Buzz and interest. Buzz and interest.

Steve (00:12:54) - But I've always had I've always had an issue with the word awareness with or.

Dave (00:12:58) - Oh, I know you love the word awareness. And you like investing money in awareness, don't you?

Steve (00:13:04) - Just can't wait to spend more money on awareness. Yeah.

Dave (00:13:07) - Yeah, yeah.

Steve (00:13:08) - What is it?

Dave (00:13:08) - Get us.

Steve (00:13:09) - I have never cashed to check on awareness.

Dave (00:13:13) - Exactly.

Steve (00:13:14) - But I love the phrase brand generation. Generation is an active word to me. And generation. I'm sorry. Demand. Generation. Demand. Yes. Thank you. Yes. That and demand. Which, you know, in marketing to me it's much better to go to, to create demand or go look for the demand that is already out there and get them to raise their hand and say, hey, I'm looking for help. Can you help me? Right. And and so I like that, but you know, so and because I've always had this thing about awareness, this, this I just hate awareness.

Steve (00:13:53) - I mean, I'm not I'm not putting down the fact that people have to be aware of you. I'm just saying that's I'm not going to spend money to just get people to know who I am. All right? I want people to. You know, respond.

Dave (00:14:09) - Well, look at Coca-Cola right now. Yeah. I mean, Coca-Cola probably has I mean, pretty close to the number one awareness of any brand on the planet, on the on the entire planet. Right. Is it still number one in all the categories that it participates in?

Steve (00:14:29) - All the categories. All the countries? Everything. Absolutely not. Absolutely not.

Dave (00:14:36) - No. It does it help? Maybe, I don't know. Um. Anyway, no, you're absolutely right. So. So here's, here's the one thing about demand generation. It's I don't know, I always feel so demand when you think about demand. Where did that word even come from. And it came from like somebody having a need and demanding something like a an individual.

Dave (00:15:04) - But then a bunch of individuals makes a market and there's demand, demand for something that helps them. Yes. Now do you technically generate it? Question mark.

Steve (00:15:19) - That's a question mark. Question mark.

Dave (00:15:20) - For me. Right. Maybe you generate it by maybe you don't really generate it. Maybe you resonate with it or you you attach with it, or you give them what they're looking for. Or maybe you really do generate it like Steve Jobs. You know, so many of the products. And I'm just saying Steve Jobs, I'm not saying Apple now. I'm saying Steve.

Steve (00:15:52) - Jobs. Steve Jobs. Yeah.

Dave (00:15:53) - Had an instinct for demand generation.

Steve (00:15:58) - He had an instinct. And I loved I love the way he looked at things like this because he had an instinct where he said, he said, first of all, you know what? This guy never did focus groups. He never did. He would not go out and research. He said he he said he said our job is to create a product.

Steve (00:16:19) - That everybody will say. That they need to have but didn't know it. And so until they saw it.

Dave (00:16:28) - Right. Which which is.

Steve (00:16:37) - It. Oops. I'm lost you.

Dave (00:16:41) - Sickly. The definition of dementia competition, you know.

Steve (00:16:44) - There you go.

Dave (00:16:46) - Right. Separated from the competition. Most. Most companies want to chase their competition and be like them. Oh, I want to be just like IBM. I wanted I want a piece.

Steve (00:17:01) - So my logo, my my logo is blue, IBM blue. Yeah, I used to say. I used to say that when I, when I was consulting in the trade show world and I was working with companies in the trade show, going to trade shows and with companies who ran trade shows, stuff like that. I used to say, you know what? Going to a high tech trade show, if I was allergic to blue, I'd be dead in the first aisle. Because every exhibitor was IBM blue.

Dave (00:17:33) - So. And now there are young people who they're like, they don't even know what IBM is.

Steve (00:17:40) - No they don't. They have no.

Dave (00:17:41) - Idea. Honestly. Yeah.

Steve (00:17:43) - They have no idea.

Dave (00:17:44) - So. So I interrupted you, but you were talking.

Steve (00:17:49) - No, that was good stuff. That was really good stuff.

Dave (00:17:51) - The pillars.

Steve (00:17:52) - Yeah. So the first pillar. But the first pillar. So there are three pillars.

Dave (00:17:56) - Three pillars of Copyable. Demand generation or is it the blueprint? Is it the.

Steve (00:18:05) - I'm sorry blueprint? See, this is so new to even me, I can't I don't even remember what I wrote. You know, an.

Dave (00:18:11) - Copyable demand blueprint. Blueprint?

Steve (00:18:14) - Yeah. Because this is the plan. This is plan. So demand generation is the first pillar of the blueprint.

Dave (00:18:22) - How many pillars are there, Steve?

Steve (00:18:23) - Three. There's three pillars. Just like. Just like in uncomfortable, unlovable. The three pillars. Pillars.

Dave (00:18:29) - I can remember three things I can't remember. Yeah.

Steve (00:18:32) - And the second, the second pillar, which is very, very important, is that we have to take something that you have to demand.

Steve (00:18:39) - Generation is great, is really, really great. But in, in and of itself. And I don't even know where that phrase came from. Uh, um. That that it basically is mainly about awareness and interest, which is not good enough. I need response, so I want so. So the second pillar is response driven marketing. So now we take we take the demand generation we meld it with. Uh, um.

Dave (00:19:14) - Responsive action. It's action.

Steve (00:19:17) - Call to action. CTA specific measurable action. Okay. Because to me, it's stupid to spend any money that doesn't. Have a measurable return.

Dave (00:19:36) - But if they're not ready to buy it.

Steve (00:19:38) - It's okay. It's okay.

Dave (00:19:41) - But you want them to take a different action, though, at least to raise their hand.

Steve (00:19:45) - That said, some kind of action. Some kind of action, right? I just don't want it to be one of those things where they're just out there in the ether. And and, you know, they they might have liked what I was sending out with the demand generation.

Steve (00:19:59) - They might have, you know, all that sort of stuff, but I don't know.

Dave (00:20:03) - See, I know, right? Exactly like Marshall Field said. You know, half my advertising budget is a waste of money. I just don't know which half.

Steve (00:20:13) - Don't know which half.

Dave (00:20:14) - So that's forget about that. Get about half.

Steve (00:20:17) - So you see one action. So response doesn't have to be a sale generation.

Dave (00:20:22) - And we want actionable response.

Steve (00:20:25) - An actionable response. Okay. So these two I actually thought these were going to be the only two pillars.

Dave (00:20:33) - Just the two pillars.

Steve (00:20:34) - But but because the world needs three. And, you know, in the comedy world, you know what? If there's it's always three, there's it's always three. But but I also then started thinking, okay, now hold on just a second. The other thing.

Dave (00:20:50) - Is, are you saying that this is a comedic kind of thing that you're doing here with.

Steve (00:20:54) - Everything I do is has has a punch.

Dave (00:20:58) - An element of comedy.

Steve (00:20:59) - Somewhere down the road, there's going to be a party.

Dave (00:21:03) - Right? Okay. Go ahead.

Steve (00:21:04) - But the third thing was that we we, you and I focus on the B2B world.

Dave (00:21:12) - We do.

Steve (00:21:13) - Okay. And and you probably and I certainly hope you had this question in your, in your mind when you saw my third pillar because, um, in the B2B world, it's, you know, B2C, it's very clear who's making the purchase decision.

Dave (00:21:33) - A consumer, a person, an individual on.

Steve (00:21:36) - Their own is making a purchase decision. And and so you're dealing with a consumer. And the first time I was ever exposed to what I would call an avatar situation was with Nordstrom when I was, um, amazingly, your.

Dave (00:21:57) - Word of avatar means like a like a persona and a persona. Not not like a person in like, the Second Life.

Steve (00:22:06) - Like Second Life. I loved Second Life. I know Second Life was so cool.

Dave (00:22:13) - I know it was cool. And you're going to have an avatar in the Metta world whenever the hell that comes along.

Dave (00:22:18) - But go ahead.

Steve (00:22:20) - Or not, the movie. It's not an avatar, okay? Not the avatar in the movie, but you're talking.

Dave (00:22:24) - About Nordstrom and you saw the persona and.

Steve (00:22:27) - Well, no, I was in a meeting with with Nordstrom, with the president of Nordstrom and his staff. And they were talk and he had invited me to just kind of sit in and offer an outside perspective on some stuff. And, and and they kept talking. And while they're talking about some of these new ideas they were coming up with, they kept asking, they kept saying to each other, like, like, well, what do you think Barber would think about this? And Barbara. Yeah. And and then they go, they go, well, you know, she might, you know, and they'd come up with it and somebody oh I don't know I don't know if Barbara would be like it. And I finally said, okay, excuse me. Um, I know I'm new here, but who's Barbara and why is she not in this meeting?

Dave (00:23:11) - Exactly.

Dave (00:23:12) - Yeah.

Steve (00:23:13) - And then they go, and this is a long time ago and, and and they all laugh and they go, oh no, Barbara is our. We have come up with a picture of our typical buyer. And we've named her Barbara, and she is married and she has two kids, and her husband makes $150,000 a year and blah, blah, blah. And that was the first time I had ever heard that type of term. I never heard of the term persona or avatar until many years later. But I heard that at at Nordstrom. Now, the thing and the thing in the B2B world is we will know is that first and foremost. Our target market are moose. Our companies. All right? They're not people. We are not selling to a person.

Dave (00:24:11) - Yeah, I've heard that companies are people too.

Steve (00:24:14) - Well, we're getting I'm getting there. Okay. All right. I'm kidding. I'm getting there. I'm kidding. You're 100% right because you and I have had. Honestly, we've come on here and we have we have lambasted the term a what is it, a a AMD ABM.

Speaker 3 (00:24:32) - Oh, ABM.

Steve (00:24:34) - Oh, wait, what is it?

Dave (00:24:35) - Account based marketing.

Steve (00:24:37) - Account based marketing. Right. Which I just hate that. Yeah, yeah. However, it it works nicely for this because because for me I'm thinking okay. All right. Number one I'm going to have I'm going to I want to create demand okay. Number two I want to have response driven. But number three who is this. Who are they. All right. And and let's start with they are the company. You're starting with the company first, and then we. And then once we once we identify who the company is, then we have to go inside that company. And we have to understand who the buyer is inside the company. So.

Dave (00:25:15) - Well, so I know you don't like the term ABM or.

Steve (00:25:19) - Hate the term, but I'm using it and I'm using it right now.

Dave (00:25:22) - But but honestly, that's what you're saying. So what is the third pillar. What's the wording that you use for it.

Steve (00:25:29) - I used ABM, I think let me make sure.

Speaker 3 (00:25:33) - Hang on.

Steve (00:25:37) - Didn't I?

Dave (00:25:39) - I'm not sure I think we're going to find. We're going to find.

Speaker 4 (00:25:44) - Out.

Steve (00:25:46) - Because this was so new to this.

Dave (00:25:48) - This did count based marketing. There it is ABM. Yeah. And here's the words. As the great philosopher Jessica Simpson said, every client is invaluable, some more than others. That's right. ABM zeroes on high value prospects, ensuring marketing endeavors are bespoke. Great word, resonant excellent word, and deeply impactful. Also. Excellent words.

Steve (00:26:16) - Thank you. Thank you. So so so here here's the cool thing about this is that unlike most. Smarter. Not. I'm not including you in this. This right. I'm talking about me.

Dave (00:26:33) - Okay, sure. I'm like.

Steve (00:26:34) - Unlike most smarter consultants. Authors, researchers, professional speakers, experts. That type of stuff. Who? Who? Whose objectives are to go out, do the research. They come up with the idea. They do research, they come up with the idea, and then they go and they and they work for a long time to create a fully formed theory.

Steve (00:27:00) - Or system.

Dave (00:27:02) - I say that they in I use the word inflict. They inflict their system onto the unsuspecting public.

Steve (00:27:13) - Oh, I love that blue ocean. Blue ocean.

Dave (00:27:17) - Oh, what the, what? The blue.

Steve (00:27:18) - Ocean.

Dave (00:27:19) - On and on and on. Well, the red ocean is where the sharks.

Steve (00:27:23) - And when the hell is a blue ocean?

Dave (00:27:26) - The blue ocean where there's no sharks. Well, okay. There's another.

Steve (00:27:32) - So see. So here's see. So here's what happened in my my little brain. What happened was how are we doing on time? Oh, we're going to get you out of here. How is that? The moment I started to think, think to myself. You know what? Peter Drucker. Marketing. Innovation.

Speaker 3 (00:27:55) - Yep.

Steve (00:27:56) - Okay.

Speaker 3 (00:27:57) - Got it.

Steve (00:27:57) - That's two. Two things, right? And I said to me. My my book was great, but I said to me it really was focused on innovation. And so I thought, I need to fix that. I need to fix that by coming up with this.

Steve (00:28:21) - This the other side, the market, the Peter Drucker marketing side. That is 100% marketing. Okay. Yeah.

Dave (00:28:30) - And I get the sense that you're not planning on inflicting this on anyone. No.

Steve (00:28:37) - I'm not inflicting it. I'm sending this out, and I'm. And I'm. This is what the. What do they call it? Um. I don't know, testing the waters or something like that. I am sending this out to say, here's what this is to me for the last two weeks. This is all I can think about. This is all I can think about because I'm thinking, okay, I'm I need to take the on copyable marketing innovation. And then underneath both of those are three pillars that fix that. Each one of those and this all comes together. And you know what? And I'm going to tell you everybody inside of all of that. There's also a very powerful tool called voice of the customer. And you know, so that's that's what I got.

Dave (00:29:30) - I think it's wonderful.

Dave (00:29:33) - We should explore these pillars more. We really should. And even Samson cannot push these things down. These are strong pillars. Strong pillars, folks. These are lasting. And this guy Steve is not going to take advantage of you and inflict a rigid methodology on you. All Steve is trying to do is to. Help you open your brain and your you to success. Basically. I mean, I mean, that's all he and I are really even trying.

Steve (00:30:12) - That's how he that's how he. That the other person on this. The other voice on this thing. That's how he and I got together, was we we have a very similar perspective on how to help small businesses, primarily in the B2B world. Medium sized businesses.

Dave (00:30:34) - Exactly.

Steve (00:30:34) - I mean, that's what we want to do.

Dave (00:30:36) - Share the share the wealth here, folks. And you know the phrase way overused. It's not rocket science. Sometimes if you are in the business of rocket science, it actually is rocket science.

Steve (00:30:48) - Well, you know, I watched Oppenheimer.

Steve (00:30:52) - He reminds me a lot of me.

Dave (00:30:54) - I haven't seen it yet. Okay. We'll see. I thought it was Barbie that reminded you of, you know.

Steve (00:31:01) - Barbie reminded me of old girlfriends that I.

Speaker 3 (00:31:04) - Oh, holy.

Steve (00:31:06) - I'm sure I was, I should say, old girlfriends. Old girls, girls that I tried. I tried like hell to date. And they just looked at me like, what?

Dave (00:31:18) - Yeah, yeah. My daughter was at a at a someone's birthday party last weekend, and. And her Instagram picture is her inside a Barbie box that was at the that was at the party.

Steve (00:31:31) - I've seen some of those.

Dave (00:31:32) - For those, apparently the marketers put them in the movie theaters for Instagrammable things.

Steve (00:31:39) - I've seen pictures. I've seen a lot of pictures of people inside a Barbie box.

Dave (00:31:43) - Well, whoever the marketer, I don't know the marketing people behind this personally, but good job, good job.

Steve (00:31:50) - I would much rather I would much rather have had my picture taken next to an atom bomb.

Dave (00:31:55) - Oh, that would have been cool too.

Steve (00:31:57) - Wouldn't that have been cool?

Dave (00:31:58) - There you go. Yeah. Listen.

Steve (00:32:00) - I'm gonna get us out. Get us out of here, because you got to go.

Dave (00:32:03) - I got to run, but you got.

Steve (00:32:04) - Places to go. You're going to go visit with friends and continue to imbibe am.

Dave (00:32:11) - That's true. So, guys, gals. Antiquated terms. You have been listening to.

Speaker 3 (00:32:20) - She her.

Steve (00:32:21) - They them.

Dave (00:32:23) - The one and only.

Steve (00:32:24) - He.

Speaker 3 (00:32:25) - Be.

Dave (00:32:26) - Marketing and sales podcast. It's for everybody. No matter how you identify. It's for everybody who loves B2B marketing and just wants to be successful. That's right. That's all we want to do is help you. So listen. Keep listening.

Speaker 3 (00:32:42) - Tell everybody.

Dave (00:32:44) - Thank you. And for now, bye bye.